After a murky pond existence, we too can emerge into the light like this trio of shining dragonflies. With a lighter body and orchid wings, one rests delicately near the water while with a grateful heart, a second rosy-hued dragonfly slowly climbs a slender reed, drying gauze wings in the sunlight. Highlighted against the pale cobalt sky, the shimmering wings of the third dragonfly reflect the expanded awareness that allows a soul to take flight.
Inspiration: “Water Bugs & Dragonflies” explaining death to young children (Pilgrim Press) & daughter Heather’s card (painted on her birthday 07/27/05)
Musical Inspiration: “Watermark” (Enya)
If we are very fortunate, we meet in our lifetime a unique someone who stops us in our tracks, challenges us to question our path in life, and gives us inspiration to change. Two ghost ponies “face off” in the desert moon glow…one active, one passive…as blue sands swirl about their hooves. Two rolling tumbleweeds come to a rest in a glistening gully nearby…time stands still for a moment as decisions are set into place.
Inspiration (poem): “Oh, Bronco That Wouldn’t Be Broken of Dancing” (Vachel Lindsey) Musical inspiration “Nighthorse” & “Keep ‘Er Steady, Cowgirl” (Chuck Pyle)
SUN DANCERS (Unfoldment of The More Yet to Be) 16" x 20" © 2006
In the golden glow of the Southwest desert, three cactus flowers patiently await in succession their optimum blooming time. As the sun’s rays touch the first unfolding blossom, a golden pony vibrantly emerges, twirling upward in thought, to fully realize It’s Highest Good. With God’s illuminating blessing, imagination shines as God’s light through us…giving us wings to soar free into the heavens…to return and share this love eternal with the earth realms.
Inspiration (Quote): “Unfoldment of the More Yet to Be” (Dr. Ernest Holmes, quoted by Dr. Michelle Medrano, New Vision Spiritual Growth Center, Scottsdale, AZ) Musical Inspiration: “Sun Catcher”(Faith Rivera, Sun Catcher)
As a full moon rises slowly, from behind the Sacramento Mountains in Alamogordo, NM, chasing away the darkness of night, light reflects on the face of the peaceful lady resting there. Meditative, relaxed and accepting of the Universe, she is a living symbol of the feminine. Shimmering moonlight streams across her sweptback hair as she sleeps, giving warmth to her form. Deep beneath surface appearances, her masculine opposite rises - stretching “spiritual muscles” in a yoga position poised for interaction with the Universe. Through the night cloud darkness, the glimmering light of Venus appears…in the healing balance between these opposites is found true unity.
Musical Inspiration: “True Unity” (Chuck Pyle) & "A Perfect Work of Art" (Karen Taylor-Good)
GOLDEN WINGS & A PRAYER 16" x 20" © 2006
Crossing the Arizona/California border in mid-March, I am on a mission to recover my sense of self - past, present & future! As I enter the rolling California country-side on I-8, I am suddenly aware of a giant shadow falling across the highway. Leaning toward the passenger side, an audible gasp escapes me as I glimpse high above a huge luminescent golden bird. Sunlight is pouring through the giant wingspan that encompasses my whole side of the road; only the strong limbs & body appear solid. Images of ancient flying dinosaurs flash through my mind - pterodactyl maybe?
My cassette player gives off a “rattle” sound that I’ve never noticed before, and the white feather drops from the “winged” Appaloosa that I keep on my dashboard. A bit shaken, I bend sideways for another look - body too solid to be a pterodactyl! “Condor” flashes into my mind, but aren’t they black & white? Taking comfort in the image of this golden bird as validation of the “Wing & A Prayer” that I have been living on for over a year, I continue on to both confront my past & prepare for my future.(When checking the Internet the next day, I learned that Golden Condors do exist in Peru and Chile. It was a blessing to witness this gorgeous bird in full flight; a fine feathered friend migrating my way.) Musical Inspiration: "Over the San Luis" (Chuck Pyle, True Unity)
SOULSONG 16" x 20" © 2010
Family shepherd friend, “Bear,” seldom barked but often was moved to howl at the moon. In full communion with nature’s forces, we all find our own true voices again as we sing in glorious harmony. We’ve returned to true the wheel . . .
Inspiration: “Women Who Run With Wolves,” Clara Pinola-Estes
Musical Inspiration: “Alpha #9,” Chuck Pyle, The Spaces In Between
and “The Circle Complete,” Dik Darnell, Following the Circle